Beloved Author, Artist and Educator
Robert Quackenbush graduated with a BPA from the Art Center College of Design in California, and went on to earn a Masters Degree in Social Studies and a Ph.D. in Childhood Education. Through his long career as an author, artist, and educator, he wrote and illustrated more than 200 books for young readers.
He was awarded honors and prizes for his work, including a gold medal from the Holland Society of New York for distinction in art and literature. His art is in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Smithsonian Institution. It is also on display in his gallery/studio in New York City.
Even today, his gallery/studio is fairly quacking with activity, for, in addition to creating books and paintings there, The space is still a vibrant destination for his fans of all ages.
Robert, who was a native of Arizona, lived most of his life in New York City with his wife, Margery.
Their son, Piet (rhymes with “neat”), was the inspiration for many of the author’s books as he was growing up. Later, Robert’s grandchildren, Aidan and Emma, the children of Piet and his wife, Teresa, are the inspiration.
To find out more about Robert and his work after 9/11, visit the Anecdotes page, or check out the video interview below!
The University of Southern Mississippi has a large collection of his work and papers and more biographical information
Robert Quackenbush Interview
Robert’s interview in China: Robert Quackenbush talks about his books and how they were done in this interview from China with Joyce Liang:
Thank you so much for the great opportunity to talk with you. I added both English and Mandarin subtitles, hopefully more fans are able to view it and know more about Miss Mallard. I hope many people can discover this video, love this video, and rush to buy your wonderful books. I know I will!
Thank you,
Joyce Liang